Privacy information pursuant to arts. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679
SAGRES S.r.l. informs you that Regulation (EU) 2016/679 protects natural persons and other parties with regard to the processing of their personal data.
Pursuant to the above Regulation, such processing must be founded on the principles of propriety, legality and transparency, as well as on the protection of your privacy and rights.
Accordingly, pursuant to arts. 13 and 14 of the Regulation, we are pleased to give you the following information:
1. Identity and contact details of the Controller/Processor
SAGRES S.r.l. provides various types of service to clients in the areas of credit management, finance, taxation and contact centres
In the context of these activities, SAGRES S.r.l. is appointed as a Processor by clients in their role as Controllers.
That said, in order to comply with our legal obligations, SAGRES S.r.l. also processes personal data as a Controller, in the person of our legal representative for the time being, with offices at Via Montenapoleone 8 8 – 20121
2. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer
SAGRES S.r.l. has appointed a Data Protection Officer who may be contacted at the above offices of the Company and by e-mail at the following address
3. Purposes and lawfulness of processing
SAGRES S.r.l. informs you that, in order to carry out the appointments received, it is necessary to process the data obtained:
- from communications with clients, usually comprising information provided by data subjects when negotiating and completing the contract;
- verbally from data subjects or by consulting external sources.
With reference to the above data, Sagres guarantees that:
- processing is founded on the principles of propriety and lawfulness and carried out in a manner that fully protects the privacy and rights of data subjects;
- processing only relates to the personal data needed for the management and out-of-court collection of debts;
- processing is intended to manage effectively the credit collection rights of our clients in relation to the data subjects concerned.
Without prejudice to the right of SAGRES S.r.l. to obtain information from third parties, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Decision of the Italian Data Protection Authority on credit collection (30 November 2005), the provision of data by data subjects is optional; however, any refusal would result in failure of the friendly mandate entrusted to us and the possible start of legal action for court-enforced collection of the amounts due.
4. Possible recipients of personal data.
The data obtained in the manner described in the previous point may become the subject of other appropriate actions carried out for the above purposes, including by parties such as consultants, employees and other collaborators that are specifically authorised to carry out any processing deemed necessary for or connected with such purposes.
5. Methods of processing and retention periods
Following completion of the appointment received, the confidential data of data subjects is retained solely to enable SAGRES S.r.l. to comply properly with legal obligations and, where necessary, report on the work performed.
In all cases following completion of the appointment, the data relating to the contractual relationships to which data subjects were party is rendered unavailable to the authorised parties, who are not allowed to consult it again.
The data is processed manually and/or using IT equipment and, in all cases, SAGRES S.r.l. guarantees compliance with all measures designed to ensure its security and confidentiality.
The data is retained and processed at the offices of SAGRES S.r.l.;
6. Rights of Data Subjects
Data subjects may obtain access to their personal data at any time, requesting its rectification or erasure pursuant, respectively, to arts. 15, 16 and 17 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Pursuant to arts. 18, 20 and 21 of that Regulation, data subjects are also entitled to request the restriction of processing and the portability of their data (if applicable), as well as to object for legitimate reasons to its processing.
The above rights may be exercised directly in relation to our clients that are Controllers and/or in relation to SAGRES S.r.l. with regard to any processing carried out by us in our role as a Controller, by:
– e-mail sent to:
– ordinary mail: SAGRES S.r.l. – Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) – Piazza San Pietro, 1 – 81055
Additional information, including details of any Processors, can also be requested by writing to the above addresses.
7. Complaints to a Supervisory Authority
Should requests made by data subjects pursuant to one or more of the above rights not be answered by the specified deadlines or in a satisfactory manner, they may exercise their rights before the Judiciary or by applying to the Data Protection Authority.
Privacy information pursuant to arts. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679
SAGRES S.r.l., as the Controller, informs you that Regulation (EU) 2016/679 protects natural persons and other parties with regard to the processing of their personal data
Pursuant to the above Regulation, such processing must be founded on the principles of propriety, legality and transparency, as well as on the protection of your privacy and rights.
Accordingly, pursuant to arts. 13 and 14 of the Regulation, we are pleased to give you the following information:
- Identity and contact details of the Controller.
SAGRES S.r.l. provides various types of service to clients in the areas of credit management, finance, taxation and contact centres.
In the context of these activities, SAGRES S.r.l. is appointed as a Processor by clients in their role as Controllers.
That said, in order to comply with our legal obligations, SAGRES S.r.l. also processes personal data as a Controller, in the person of our legal representative for the time being, with offices at Milano – Via Montenapoleone, 8 – 20121
- Contact details of the Data Protection Officer
SAGRES S.r.l. has appointed a Data Protection Officer who may be contacted at the above offices of the Company and by e-mail at the following address
- Purposes and lawfulness of processing
SAGRES S.r.l. informs you that, in order to carry out the appointments received, it is necessary to process the data obtained:
from communications with clients, usually comprising information provided by data subjects when negotiating and completing the contract;
verbally from data subjects or by consulting external sources.
– activation of insurance coverage;
– statistical processing.
The treatment will be carried out by electronic processing for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.
Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
- 4. Possible recipients of personal data.
he data obtained in the manner described in the previous point may become the subject of other appropriate actions carried out for the above purposes, including by parties such as consultants, employees and other collaborators that are specifically authorised to carry out any processing deemed necessary for or connected with such purposes.
– of persons specifically appointed such as consultants, employees and other collaborators authorized to do so for the treatments necessary or connected to the purpose in question;
– of third parties who perform or provide specific services strictly functional to the purpose in question, such as IT service companies, insurance companies, professionals, all in compliance with the provisions of the law on data security (list of names of subjects belonging to the aforementioned categories is available at the headquarters of the Company).
Any processing of special categories of personal data pursuant to Article 9 of EU Reg. 2016/679 will be carried out only if strictly essential for the specific services requested.
The data being processed could be disclosed to the Public Administration, Public Bodies or other bodies in relation to the legal obligations applicable to the individual services offered.
The provision of data is optional, it is understood that any refusal to provide such data and failure to consent to their processing will make it impossible to provide the requested services.
- Methods of processing and retention periods
Following completion of the appointment received, the confidential data of data subjects is retained solely to enable SAGRES S.r.l. to comply properly with legal obligations and, where necessary, report on the work performed.
n all cases following completion of the appointment, the data relating to the contractual relationships to which data subjects were party is rendered unavailable to the authorised parties, who are not allowed to consult it again.
- Rights of Data Subjects
Data subjects may obtain access to their personal data at any time, requesting its rectification or erasure pursuant, respectively, to arts. 15, 16 and 17 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Pursuant to arts. 18, 20 and 21 of that Regulation, data subjects are also entitled to request the restriction of processing and the portability of their data (if applicable), as well as to object for legitimate reasons to its processing.
The above rights may be exercised directly in relation to our clients that are Controllers and/or in relation to SAGRES S.r.l. with regard to any processing carried out by us in our role as a Controller, by:
– e-mail address:
– ordinary: SAGRES S.r.l. – Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) – Piazza San Pietro, 1 – 81055
Additional information, including details of any Processors, can also be requested by writing to the above addresses.
- Complaints to a Supervisory Authority
Should requests made by data subjects pursuant to one or more of the above rights not be answered by the specified deadlines or in a satisfactory manner, they may exercise their rights before the Judiciary or by applying to the Data Protection Authority.
Privacy information pursuant to arts. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679
(recording telephone conversations)
SAGRES S.r.l., wishes to inform you that the EU Regulation 2016/679 provides for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data.
According to the indicated legislation, this treatment will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and the protection of your privacy and your rights.
Pursuant to Article 13 of the Regulation, therefore, we provide you with the following information:
Identity and contact details of the Data Controller
The Data Controller is SAGRES S.R.L., in the staff of the legal representative in office pro-tempore, with registered office in Milan – Via Montenapoleone, 8 – 20121.
SAGRES S.r.l. carries out credit management and recovery activities on behalf of clients.
Contact details of the Data Protection Officer
SAGRES S.r.l. has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted not only at the Company’s headquarters but also by e-mail at the address
Purpose and legal basis of the processing
The processing, in the form of recording telephone conversations, to which the requested personal data will be submitted, is aimed exclusively at the following purposes:
- a) provision of the requested services;
- b) accounting and administrative management of the contractual relations;
- c)activation of insurance cover;
- d) processing of statistics.
Processing will be carried out using electronic equipment solely for the time needed to achieve the purposes for which your data was collected.
If the registration must be communicated to the clients of SAGRES, at the end of the information the consent to the communication of the registration is requested.
In all other cases, considering that the registration also takes place for defense purposes, and therefore for the pursuit of a legitimate interest pursuant to art. 6 let. f) of EU Regulation 2016/679, consent to registration is not required.
Any categories of recipients of personal data.
The personal data acquired may be the subject of any other appropriate operation relating to the achievement of the aforementioned purposes also by means of specifically authorized subjects such as consultants, employees and other collaborators authorized to do so for the treatments necessary or connected to the purposes in question.
The data, including the telephone recordings of the same, may be communicated and / or transferred and / or made accessible to the client companies for the purposes referred to in the previous point.
Methods of processing and storage times
The recordings of the phone calls will be kept for a period of 5 years, starting from the registration.
The retention times are consistent with the purposes described above and in particular with the defense needs and coincide with the statute of limitations for actions for compensation for damage from non-contractual offense.
In any case, the recordings of the phone calls are made unavailable to authorized subjects, who are not allowed any further processing.
The registrations are made and stored at the headquarters of SAGRES S.r.l .;
Rights of the interested
At any time you can obtain access to your personal data, the correction or cancellation of the same pursuant to articles, respectively, 15, 16 and 17 of the EU Reg. 2016/679.
Pursuant to articles 18, 20 and 21 of the same Regulation, you also have the right to request the limitation of processing, the portability of data concerning you (if applicable) and to oppose, for legitimate reasons, their processing.
The above rights may be exercised directly against the Data Controller by:
– e-mail to the address:
– posta ordinaria: SAGRES S.r.l. – Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) – Piazza San Pietro, 1 – 81055
Complaint to a Supervisory Authority
Should requests made by data subjects pursuant to one or more of the above rights not be answered by the specified deadlines or in a satisfactory manner, they may exercise their rights before the Judiciary or by applying to the Data Protection Authority.
Privacy information pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679
SAGRES S.r.l. informs you that Regulation (EU) 2016/679 protects natural persons and other parties with regard to the processing of their personal data.
Pursuant to the above Regulation, such processing must be founded on the principles of propriety, legality and transparency, as well as on the protection of your privacy and rights.
Accordingly, pursuant to art. 13 of the Regulation, we are pleased to give you the following information:
Identity and contact details of the Controller/Processor
SAGRES S.r.l. provides various types of service to clients in the areas of credit management, finance, taxation and contact centres.
In the context of these activities, SAGRES S.r.l. is appointed as a Processor by clients in their role as Controllers.
That said, in order to comply with our legal obligations, SAGRES S.r.l. also processes personal data as a Controller, in the person of our legal representative for the time being, with offices at Milano – Via Montenapoleone, 8 – 20121
Contact details of the Data Protection Officer
SAGRES S.r.l. has appointed a Data Protection Officer who may be contacted at the above offices of the Company and by e-mail at the following address
Information about the use of cookies
The site uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure proper functioning and improve the browsing experience of users.
Cookies are small text files sent to users by the website visited. They are stored on the hard disk of the computer, enabling the website to recognise previous users and store certain information about them, in order to enable or improve the services offered. There are several types of cookie. Some are needed to browse the website, others have different purposes, such as to guarantee internal security, administer the system, carry out statistical analyses, understand which sections of the website are of greatest interest to users, or offer a customised tour of the website. The above applies not only to the computers of users, but also to any other devices used by them to visit the website.
Cookies tecnici
Possono essere suddivisi in cookies di navigazione o di sessione, che garantiscono la normale navigazione e fruizione del sito web, cookies analytics, assimilati ai cookies tecnici laddove utilizzati direttamente dal gestore del sito per raccogliere informazioni, in forma aggregata, sul numero degli utenti e su come questi visitano il sito stesso, cookies di funzionalità, che permettono all’utente la navigazione in funzione di una serie di criteri selezionati al fine di migliorare il servizio reso allo stesso. La disabilitazione dei cookies potrebbe limitare la possibilità di usare il Sito e impedire di beneficiare in pieno delle funzionalità e dei servizi presenti sul Sito. Per decidere quali accettare e quali rifiutare, è illustrata di seguito una descrizione dei cookies utilizzati sul Sito.
Types of cookie used
Session cookies: these are stored temporarily and deleted when the user closes the browser. However, if the user registers with the website, session cookies may collect personal information in order to identify the user on subsequent visits, facilitating both the login process (e.g. by retaining the username and password) and subsequent browsing. In addition, the Controller, via the webmaster, uses these cookies to administer the system. The website may contain links to other websites. The Controller has no access to or control over the cookies, web beacons or other tracking technologies used on the third-party websites that users may visit by following links, over the content and materials published or obtained via the external sites visited, or over how they process personal data; in this regard, the Controller expressly declines all related responsibility. Users should read the privacy policies of the third-party websites visited by following links, in order to understand how their personal information is processed, as the privacy policy of the Controller only applies to this website, as defined above.
Persistent cookies: These are stored on the devices of users during the period between browser sessions, remembering their website preferences and actions. Persistent cookies can be used for various purposes, for example in order to store the preferences and choices made by visitors.
Cookies essenziali: Questi cookies sono strettamente necessari per il funzionamento del Sito. Senza l’uso di tali cookies alcune parti del Sito non funzionerebbero. Comprendono, ad esempio, i cookies che consentono di accedere in aree protette del Sito. Questi cookies non raccolgono informazioni per scopi di marketing e non possono essere disattivati.
Essential cookies: These cookies are strictly necessary for the functioning of the website. Without them, certain parts of the website would not function. For example, essential cookies may allow access to private areas of the website. They do not collect information for marketing purposes and cannot be disabled.
Functional cookies: These cookies are used to recognise users when they make return visits to the website. They make it possible to customise content and remember preferences (e.g. language selected or region). Functional cookies do not collect information that might identify the users concerned. All the information collected is anonymousSocial media cookies: These cookies facilitate sharing the content of the website via such social media networks as Facebook and Twitter. Visit the websites of these networks to read their respective privacy and cookie policies. In the cases of Facebook and Twitter, users can visit e
Come modificare le impostazioni sui cookies
Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but the usually users can change the related settings in order to disable them. It is possible to block all types of cookie, or to accept some and disable others. Visit the “Settings” or “Preferences” section of the browser menu to block cookies and other user tracking technologies and require the browser to flag their activation. Otherwise, consult the “Help” section on the toolbar present in most browsers. Remember that disabling session cookies or functional cookies may cause the website to malfunction and/or restrict the services available.
Rights of Data Subjects.
Data subjects may obtain access to their personal data at any time, requesting its rectification or erasure pursuant, respectively, to arts. 15, 16 and 17 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Pursuant to arts. 18, 20 and 21 of that Regulation, data subjects are also entitled to request the restriction of processing and the portability of their data (if applicable), as well as to object for legitimate reasons to its processing.
The above rights may be exercised directly in relation to SAGRES S.r.l. a mezzo:
– e-mail to the address:
– pordinary email: SAGRES S.r.l. – Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) – Piazza San Pietro, 1 – 81055
Additional information, including details of any Processors, can also be requested by writing to the above addresses.
Complaints to a Supervisory Authority.
Should requests made by you pursuant to one or more of the rights envisaged in the above regulations regarding the protection of personal data not be answered by the specified deadlines or in a satisfactory manner, you may exercise your rights before the Judiciary or by applying to the Data Protection Authority.